Abhinandan (अभिनन्दन) | Sahaja Yoga Musical Album 1994 | Calcutta Sahaja Collective
Abhinandan - Felicitation
(A humble offering of Hindi Bhajans at the Lotus Feet of Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi by the Calcutta Sahaja Yoga Collective)
(Digitized from Old Audio Cassette: Poor Quality Sound)
Released on March 20, 1994 by Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi on Her Birthday Felicitation Programme at Kalamandir, Calcutta, India.
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**List of Songs**
(click on the hyperlinked-times transcribed within the parentheses to listen to the respective bhajan)
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6 years ago 00:42:11 14
Abhinandan (अभिनन्दन) | Sahaja Yoga Musical Album 1994 | Calcutta Sahaja Collective