ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT October 14 to 16 Southern Israel 14 of 10 On Friday, the IDF massed a large amount of troops and equipment along the border with Gaza. Israeli troops prepare for ground operation; their positions are bombed by militants. Palestinian groups periodically make raids on Israeli positions. Clashes occurred in Sufa and Nirim, where the Palestinians caused troop and equipment casualties with an ATGM attack. Syria 14 of 10 Israeli planes fired rockets again at the Aleppo airfield in Syria. This was preceded by the shelling of Israeli positions in the occupied Golan Heights from Syrian territory. Northern Israel 15 of 10 On Sunday, the situation on the border between Israel and Lebanon worsened and fighting began. Hezbollah attacked IDF strongholds on the northern border, wounding several fighters and damaging surveillance systems. UN peacekeepers stationed on the Israel-Lebanon border reported shelling. “Unknown individuals“ fired a rocket at their headquarters in Naqura within Lebanese territory. Israel 15 and 16 of 10 Massive bombings against the Israeli rear and areas near Gaza have continued. Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Ashdod and Beer Sheva suffered Palestinian attacks and several people were injured. West Bank 14 to 16 of 10 Armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces continue unabated. Over the past week, 60 people have died in the region and more than a thousand have been injured. Gaza 14 to 16 of 10 In Gaza, the massive flight of civilians due to Israeli bombings continues towards the south of the enclave. Israeli Air Force launches massive strikes on Gaza; several columns of refugees were destroyed. Gaza 16 of 10 The Rafah checkpoint, on the Gaza border with Egypt, remains closed, despite the supposed agreements reached. People cannot leave the enclave; there is no access to water, hygiene products or medicines. Infographic by: @Rybar You can also follow us on: @Eureka_News_ENG #Palestine, #Israel, #War Источник: Eureka news
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