MicroRaptor71--Four wing Dinosaur-: Flight and Gliding at Seaside
MicroRaptor71--Four wing Dinosaur-: Flight and Gliding at Seaside
New Type Flight Posture
Microraptor71 do good flight and good gliding.
I steered Microraptor70 by an Inverted V Tail system.
This is based on a picture of BBC Planet Dinosaur 2011.
In consideration of new flight posture of Microraptor (by an advice of Mr Michael Habib), I am producing new Microraptor(Microraptor71).
Wingtips are thin and legs toward below.
By inverted V Tail and hind legs opening, wing area becomes big and flight performance becomes better.
But when hind legs shut and turns below, flight performance deteriorates.
Even if it loses flight performance, it may be evolution to obtain the leg which can walk on ground freely.
And the dinosaur evolved to birds.
width 119cm
length 102cm
Body Weight 181g
300mAh2cellG7 18g
Tatal zFlight weight 199g
Servo: inverted Vtail: elevator & rudder (DS65HB servo *2)
3 years ago 00:03:57 17
MicroRaptor71--Four wing Dinosaur-: Flight and Gliding at Seaside