221027 赵丽颖龚俊VOGUEfilm完整短片 《你好,你好》Zhao Liying, Gong Jun full Voguefilm short film, “Hello, Hello“
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Note: Rough translation
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赵丽颖龚俊VOGUEfilm完整短片在短片《你好,你好》的世界里,人类的世界麻木机械,一成不变。衣服、房间、家具,全是单调的白色,所有食材要切成一样大小,不在现实中接触的人们却要按规定准时参与网络“社交”……这是被禁锢在空白房间中“林音”@赵丽颖 的生活。由人类创造的AI@龚俊Simon,被代码赋予感情,此时却如同新生的孩童,对世界满眼温暖与好奇。“你在想什么?” 屏幕闪烁,来自虚拟世界的AI打断了林音的思绪,“我在想人为什么会这么痛苦。”
In the short clip “Hello Hello“ ’s world, the human world is empty and mechanical, always the same. The clothes, room, furniture, are all the same tone of white, all ingredients must be cut into the same size, unlike how people interact with each other in real life (in this world) people have to punctually attend online “social interactions“ at an allotted is the life of Lin Yin (ZLY) who is imprisoned/confined in (a) blank/plain room. AI (GJ) who was created by humans, was given (human) feelings by codes, at this point however (he is) like a newly born child who sees the world as full of warmth and is filled with curiosity (about the world). “What are you thinking of?“ The screen flashes/lights up, the AI who comes from the virtual world broke Lin Yin’s train of thought, “I’m thinking of why humans are (living) in so much pain/suffer so much.“
于VogueWorld130周年展首次展映的VOGUEfilm短片《你好,你好》今日与大家在线上见面了。导演梅俪潆@Mei_Liying 将多年前与AI的对话经验与感受呈现于《你好,你好》中,试图讨论在科技与人类生存模式发生倒置的情况下,情感将如何传达的命题。欢迎各位与VOGUEfilm共同见证女性创作人才的成长和发展。VogueWorld上海
[...] Director Mei Liying takes the experience of conversing with an AI from many years ago and the feelings felt then (and) presents/portrays it in “Hello, hello“, attempting to discuss the critical question of how feelings can be conveyed in the situation where the way how technology and humans live/survive are reversed. We invite everyone to witness the growth and development of female creator talents/talented female creator(s) with VogueFilm.
8 months ago 00:15:55 7
221027 赵丽颖龚俊VOGUEfilm完整短片 《你好,你好》Zhao Liying, Gong Jun full Voguefilm short film, “Hello, Hello“