BANGLEMASTER | Легковесные браслеты

📲 90 532 059 0643 BANGLEMASTER CNC machine is the unique solution for gold bangle production. If you are interested in jewelry production in high quantities, just check Banglemaster. - high speed spindle for BEST SHINE - Mitsubishi control system for LONG YEARS of working - Up to 12-moving axis for LIMITLESS JEWELRY DESIGNS - PC-based controller for EASY PRODUCTION It is very easy and fast to produce every kind of gold bangles with #Banglemaster Jewelry CNC Machine! SUBSCRIBE BULUNMAZ YOUTUBE CHANNEL BULUNMAZ SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS Facebook | Instagram | Instagram (Cemal) | Contact u...s for more information: 📲 90 532 059 0643 ☎ 90 212 513 47 32 🌎
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