’Handpanistan’ Retreat, Sochi’24, final composition

We had an incredible time at last #Handpanistan retreat in Sochi 💚. Here’s the piece i composed for the students as an exersise tune combining advanced interlocking, some new arpeggio ideas, sequences in 5 etc. Russian handpan community rocks as usual! Despite the complexity of the interlocking pattern they picked it up extremely well! @ @anastasiyas0909 @ritapavlovsky @_allero_ @vixen_ogg @ @zveriok_n @vitaliya_vitality @taisfox @nadezhda_lelekova_26 @mary_zenina @ @zena_flow__ @katfox_lepka @rus_smak @hang_drumm_sl @fly_shashu @furneee @Kapitow6ka @dashaluzik @mr_nvkv @eliss_sokol @azaday...vazovich @movementschool @maroussia123 @Nastasja_ryj @umax_iuliia @ethnobeat @mercyalien @KattyKulakova @Donatella975 @denis_gardari
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