Ala Kryształ - Niespodziewana wizyta

BUY Ala Kryształ’s “Sandtrack” music by Ala Kryształ (c) 2021 vocals by Adela Konop video by Zguba Released in 2021 by LOŻA Oficyna LOŻA Oficyna is proud to present the fourth offering of the label—the debut album of ALA KRYSZTAŁ trio, called “Sandtrack”. The album is a unique blend of electronic sounds, acoustic instruments, and many vocalized parts, creates the sonic landscape of the album. Handpan instrument fulfills a special role in creating “Sandtrack’s” atmosphere, appearing in almost all 12 tracks and moving the songs into strongly tribal and trance spaces. “Sandtrack”, along with its special CD DVD Mystery Edition, allows to peek into the magical world of ALA KRYSZTAŁ’s music and their twisted minds. Sit down, put on “Sandtrack” and enjoy the movie you’ve never/always dreamed of... * * * Video clips taken from “Le Voyage dans la Lu
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