Оценка пульса, энтеропатия с потерей белка, прободнпя язва ЖКТ на фоне НПВС

Donation/Поддержать канал: 5536 9137 9576 4873 for ruble transfers/для рублевых переводов 4463 7555 5156 9578 for dollar transfers/для долларовых переводов An investigation into the detection of the pulse in conscious and anaesthetized dogs. Clare Dagnall, Helen Wilson & Latifa Khenissi. Incidence of relapse of inflammatory protein-losing enteropathy in dogs and associated risk factors. Jodie Green, Aarti Kathrani. Gastric or duodenal perforation and secondary septic peritonitis following therapeutic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration. Julie M. Pfeifer DVM, Nyssa A. Levy DVM, MS, DACVECC Diana L. Carter MatthewW. Beal DVM, DACVECC
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