【Araiyakashiko】When The Crooks Laugh (2013, March 27)【English Sub】
Nashimoto Ui discord server
All of my English Sub videos are located in this playlist:
English Lyrics:
It wasn’t you who was loved, It was me
Go where the voices are, Gaze into the sky and kneel as you pray
This rusty scarlet color
A clown who wants to die, He’s got no make up on his dumb face
Don’t stay up too late because morning is coming
Every trickster is good in bed, While the other person’s tears are as sweet as honey
A love blind lady is naked, But the world is full of fools
When the crooks laugh, Give us your cheap miserable tears
When the crooks laugh, The good people will shout their abusive madness
Like a blooming flower in a city, A completely meaningless existence if nobody notices you
By this time the day after tomorrow, I want to forget that ugly body
I have no interest in seeing a dead b
4 years ago 00:03:52 13
【Araiyakashiko】When The Crooks Laugh (POP!?)【English Sub】
4 years ago 00:03:53 8
【Araiyakashiko】When The Crooks Laugh (2013, March 27)【English Sub】