Joost Lijbaart - Strangers in the Sky (live in Beauforthuis Austerlitz)

Joost Lijbaart, Wolfert Brederode & Kika Sprangers perform Dreamtime from the 2021 album Free. Joost Lijbaart - drums and percussion, Wolfert Brederode - keys, Kika Sprangers - sax    For this Vrije Geluiden Session recording in Austerlitz Joost Lijbaart stuffed his car with African and Asian percussion instruments. Lijbaart is a versatile drummer who uses a lot of different influences in his playing. Besides jazz, pop and improvised music he worked with modern classical music and dance. He has played in all kinds of formations all his life and has toured all over the world in more than 90 countries. In 2020 he made his first solo album, a long cherished dream. Due to pressure and fear, “Free“ took a long time to come. ‘Free’ has become an extremely personal album where Lijbaart found the world within himself, his musical influences and personal reflections. For this occasion he invited pianist Wolfert Brederode and saxophonist Kika and together they played three composition of ‘Free’.
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