16 Cool Sculptures Art You Won’t Believe Actually Exist In The World

When they’re not being pulled down for perpetuating the legacies of thoroughly unpleasant people who are better off not being celebrated, statues are pretty cool. Collectively, they form a huge part of our societal history and culture, but as well as being super important, a lot of them are also strikingly beautiful. And so with that in mind, in today’s video, we thought we’d take a look at 16 of the most amazing statues that the world has to offer. Let’s get started. #statue #statueofunity #statues #statueofliberty #statuecollectors #statueofstudy1 #statuemaking #statuesvideo #statue_prank #sculptor #sculpture #sculpting #sculpturemaking #sculpturegarden #sculpture_art #sculptureartist #sculptured #sculpturepainting #sculpturepark #braces #london #france #marseillecity #portland #african #china #russia #mysteriousworldurdu #top10 #top15 #coolsculpting
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