How to make a easy Pearl jewellery ✨️ 💖 😍
Material needed:
Pearl size 8
Rosegold beads size 2.5
Learn Easily and do it yourself
Welcome to my chanel . Do you know that hand-made jewelries make you a particular person ? Here at parmis art gallery i’ll teach you how to make jewelry for yourself. Do you agree that jewelries which was made by pearl are more fantastic? Can you imagine a pearl beaded necklace for yourself ?! I teach you how to make pearl beaded necklace for yourself easily. You can make them with Cultivated pearl or shell . My videos learn you making hand-made jewelries step by step . You will be a deft jewelry maker . Take it from me . 😉 So check my chanel now !
2 months ago 00:55:45 1
Простой мужской свитер по быстрому жемчужным узором
2 months ago 01:18:15 1
CHANEL 🖤 Женщины должны благодарить ее? Не прогнулась под общество и создала легенду. НО КАКОЙ ЦЕНОЙ
2 months ago 00:08:02 1
Супер классная двусторонняя резинка спицами для шапок, кардиганов, свитеров. Очень простой узор!
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