Свято-Успенский Макарьевский монастырь. ИТОГИ 2021года

#макарьевская_пустынь #макарий_римлянин #гатчинская_епрахия #hiking #caminodesantiago #trip #tracking #monastery #orthodoxy О проделанной за прошедший год работе рассказывает сам настоятель монастыря - иеромонах Макарий. The abbot of the monastery himself, Hieromonk Macarius, tells about the work done over the past year. This is not just a record of what donations were spent on. This is a conversation about the meaning of life and the way of existence, what the Orthodox Church teaches, what it calls for, how to be saved in this crazy, crazy, crazy world. About us - people who can create when we cooperate and can destroy when we sin May the Lord save us all
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