H.G. Amala Harinam Prabhu_Damodarastakam

(1) namāmīśvaram sac-cid-ānanda-rūpam lasat-kuṇḍalam gokule bhrājamanam yaśodā-bhiyolūkhalād dhāvamānam parāmṛṣṭam atyantato drutya gopyā To the supreme controller, who possesses an eternal form of blissful knowledge, whose glistening earrings swing to and fro, who manifested Himself in Gokula, who stole the butter that the gopis kept hanging from the rafters of their storerooms and who then quickly jumped up and ran in retreat in fear of Mother Yasoda but was ultimately caught - to that Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, I offer my humble obeisances. (2) rudantam muhur netra-yugmam mṛjantam karāmbhoja-yugmena sātańka-netram muhuḥ śvāsa-kampa-trirekhāńka-kaṇṭha- sthita-graivam dāmodaram bhakti-baddham Upon seeing His mother’s whipping stick, He cried and rubbed His eyes again and again with His two
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