Revealing How I Edit, Photoshop Tutorial | Brandon Woelfel

The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: This has been my most requested video of all time so I’m super excited to finally share an inside look into my editing process! I cover everything from Adobe Camera Raw to split toning to how to avoid grain. Be sure to give this video a thumbs up if you’d like to see more editing walkthroughs just like this one👍 #PhotoshopTutorial #EditingTutorial Model in frame: Joanne Kim, @Joannnekim, GEAR I USE: *affiliate links* Nikon Z 7- Nikon D850- 35mm F/1.4- 50mm F/1.4- 58mm F/1.4- 85mm F/1.4-... 105mm F/1.4- Sky Lite Projector - Rainbow Catcher- RGB Led Video Light- Moon Lamp- Fairy Lights-
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