L’Oreal e lo Zombie Boy. Go Beyond the Cover and the Backstage

Music by: Goblin (band) track: n° 03 Mad Puppet Album: (album) 1975 And so the world of cosmetics decided to exploit the dynamics of the Internet to promote their products with viral video . It is not the first time, all remember the Dove Evolution campaign a few years ago did so much to discuss ( for those who do not remember here is the video ) . Today, L’Oreal is to dive into the sea of the Web and try to talk about gorgeous with a viral campaign in my opinion really impact . It all started a few days ago with the emergence of a video showing the return to origins, thanks to the make-up of a boy covered in tautaggi . The viral campaign is titled Go Beyond the Cover and Dremablend Cover Professional is the miracle product that alters the image of the Zombie Boy, so named since its launch in showbiz and fashion took place at the hands of nientepopodimenochè Lady Gaga ( here together in the video “ Born This Way “ ) . R
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