Michel-Richard Delalande: ’Dies Irae’, Grand Motet

Ensemble Correspondances, Sébastien Daucé Étienne Bazola, baritone Lucile Richardot, mezzo-soprano Vojtěch Semerád, haute-contre Caroline Weynants, soprano Perrine Devillers, soprano Antonin Rondepierre, tenor [00:00] I. Dies iræ [01:17] II. Quantus tremor est futurus [02:25] III. Tuba mirum spargens sonum [03:41] IV. Mors stupebit et natura [05:00] V. Liber scriptus proferetur [08:28] VI. Recordare Jesu Pie [10:28] VII. Quærens me [13:02] VIII. Juste judex [16:35] IX. Inter oves locum præsta [18:44] X. Oro supplex et acclinis [20:36] XI. Lacrymosa dies illa [13:28] XII. Pie Jesu Domine Painting: Saint John the Evangelist by Valentin de Boulogne. ca. 1621-22
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