新疆哈萨克族冰山卫士:戍守边疆-永不叛国/Guards of the Kazakhs of Xinjiang: Guarding the Frontiers&Never Betraying China

提高警惕,永不叛国,边防有我在,请祖国放心!这是哈萨克族护边员们的誓言!也是他们每天升国旗的时候都要宣誓的内容。 塞特尔·加尔肯,2001年出生,新疆哈萨克族,她是一位女民兵,是一位边防护边员,她的父母和族人都是边境护边员,她们以守卫中国的边境而自豪! “木斯岛“是哈萨克族语,意为冰山。这里位于中国新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州,阿勒泰地区和塔城地区交界的萨吾尔山一带,直线距离吉木乃县城60公里,地处中哈两国的边境。冰山护边站就在海拔3800米的木斯岛冰山上。这里有一群特殊的边防军人,他们都是哈萨克族,有牧民,老兵和大学生等,世世代代为祖国守护着大西北的边境。边境线上时常有狼群和熊出没,冬季最低温度零下40度,当然也有非法越境者,因此,这里条件艰苦,戍边巡逻一个人出去非常危险。戍边的生活是什么样的?塞特尔将带我们体验巡边的生活。 Be vigilant, never betray the country, I am here for border defense, please rest assured the motherland! This is the oath of Chinese Kazakh border guards! It is also the content that they must swear when they raise the national flag every day. Setel Galken, born in 2001, is a Kazakh in Xinjiang. She is a female militiaman and a border guard. Her parents and clan members are all border guards. They are proud of guarding China’s border ! “Mus Island“ is a Kazakh language, which means iceberg. It is located in the Sawuer Mountain area at the junction of the Altay region and the Tacheng region in Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. It is 60 kilometers away from Jimunai County in a straight line and is located on the border between China and Kazakhstan. The iceberg guard station is on the iceberg of Mus Island at an altitude of 3,800 meters. There is a group of special border guards here. They are all Kazakhs, herdsmen, veterans and college students. They have guarded the border of the Northwest for the motherland for generations. There are often wolves and bears on the border. The lowest temperature in winter is minus 40 degrees. Of course, there are also illegal border crossers. Therefore, the conditions here are difficult, and it is very dangerous for the border patrol to go out alone. What is life like on the border? Settle will take us through the hardships of patrolling #女兵 #新疆 #哈萨克 新疆哈萨克族冰山卫士:戍守边疆-永不叛国/Guards of the Kazakhs of Xinjiang: Guarding the Frontiers&Never Betraying China
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