rewriting jingles for major companies

Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring this video! Head to to get 50% off your first order of hair loss treatment. Buy tickets for my Los Angeles show here!! 👇 Ahhh dude I’m so excited!! Follow my socials if ya want! insta: danielthrasher twitta: thrasherdan I hope you enjoyed this video where I make jokes and play the piano. Yes, this is for the algorithm. Piano jokes lol. That’s me. Ok well if you’re still reading this, leave a comment about how hilarious you think this is - I’m pretty sure that some kind of super-computer is trained to read and promote videos that have positive-seeming comments. “OH MY GOSH this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!!!!“ Something like that. But not verbatim, I think they can tell if you’re just copy/pasting, too. “Holy cow! My sides ache!“ “You’re so attractive and cool! When are we getting married?“ You get the idea. If you do this now I’ll high-five you later. K love you bye
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