Insecure Bob Dylan gets nasty with John Lennon

Dylan and Lennon acting like arrogant kids. ---------------------- Dylan: There’s the mighty Thames. That’s what held Hitler back, the mighty Thames. Yes. Winston Churchill said that. Tom, ain’t that right? Tom: Yep. Dylan: Ain’t that right, Tom? Tom: Definitely. Definitely is right. Dylan: Tom, I think I’m gonna turn you into Tyrone Power. In a matter of time. Lennon: Say that again, will you Bob? Dylan: Tom, I think I’m gonna turn you into Ronald Colman... Lennon: Much better. Much better. ---------- Dylan: Oh, yeah, I wanna go back home, man. Where I come from we have baseball games. We got baseball games, we got all-night TV. I come from the land of paradise, man. Lennon: Sounds great. Dylan: Well, I’m not the one who could really give it the rightful sound, man. Some people could make it sound so great that you wouldn’t even have the capacity to speak.
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