Okra Playground - Ääneni yli vesien / My Voice Over the Water, Live video
Okra Playground - Ääneni yli vesien / My Voice Over the Water
How can I miss something I’ve never had? On the jetty, I sing to the shores and fields, to the sunshine and the cold stones of evening. I hope my voice will carry over the water, so that I might be heard and my call answered. But the wind brings no answer, does not show the face of the one I long for. My song echoes into silence, tears dry on my cheeks.
Recording production: Samuli Volanto
Film production: Kim Saarinen, Modomo Films
Lights: Vesa Erähalme
Music: Päivi Hirvonen
Lyrics: Päivi Hirvonen / Essi Muikku / trad. Kanteletar
Arr: Okra Playground and Sami Kurppa
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