[OCD The Bug In My Brain] What Are Phobias? The Key Difference Between Phobia and OCD

🎯 Загружено автоматически через бота: 🛑 Оригинал: 📺 OCD The Bug In My Brain — @OCDTheBugInMyBrain 📃 Оригинальное описание: I’m sure many of you have heard the terms arachnophobia, agoraphobia, and carcinophobia to name a few. Phobia has immense impact on OCD. Most of the time, phobias just make my brain hurt. For many, many, MANY years I had an extreme irrational fear of HIV AIDS, or a phobia of HIV. Today I talk about the key difference between phobia and OCD and share a not so pleasant experience I had with this fear. Again, I explain the “why“ of OCD. मुझे यकीन हैअपने सुना होगा अरचनोफोबिया, अगोरफोबिया, कारससनोफोबिया काफी कुछ नाम। फोबिया ओसीडी को भदाता है। िोहोत जड़ टार फोबिया ददमाग को ददद देता है। काफी सालो से में पागल रही डरती रही HIV से और फोबिया HIV का। आज में िात करूँगी फोबिया और ओसीडी का जुड़ाव और िताउंगी अनुभव। (TRANSLATED BY SHUBHAM PANDIT) INSTAGRAM ID: False Memory OCD Videos: Part 1: Part2: OCD is Not an Adjective: OCD Tests on YouTube are Bogus: What Intrusive Thoughts Sound Like: I AM NOT A THERAPIST! My videos are about experiences with OCD over 25 plus years and my perspective. Do not use my advice or videos as a substitute for professional help or diagnosis. I AM NOT to be held responsible for the life decisions you make after watching my videos. In watching this video or any other videos I upload you agree and understand this. Contact at: thebuginmybrain@ Facebook: REDDIT OCD: The Bug in My Brain Please be aware that I am not a therapist and the views in my videos are based on my sole experiences. I am not responsible for the life choices that you make as a result of my videos. These videos are here to explain OCD the way I see it with the experiences I’ve had. This is a channel to help other OCD sufferers learn that there is a light in the darkness they feel and that it is possible to get better, just not cured. please understand that this is not me looking for all!!! As I make more videos, you will see that I improved throughout the years and this will hopefully give others suffering with OCD hope for improvement. This channel will cover the struggles I’ve experienced over the past 27 years. I am not a therapist but I can relate to almost every form of OCD. Videos will cover phobias, anxiety, obsessions, intrusive thoughts and overthinking to name a few. I hope that you will find a connection with my videos and in some small way they help you get through the day. Help yourself recover. #phobia #ocd #fearofhiv
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