Fantastic Contraption BEST OF HANDLING

BEST OF HANDLING is the first of a series of BEST OF videos that showcases some of the greatest designs I’ve seen in Fantastic Contraption. Why did I choose Handling first? Well, no reason. I just had to start somewhere. These compilations take a tremendous amount of time to make for each level and there are 21 levels to Fantastic Contraption! My goal is to make 1 every week or two. Quicker if you give me encouragement and let me know if you like them or not. Below is a list of the BEST OF DESIGNERS. Block Toss by plasticmanran Pretty Neat by Dorkules Rewrewwwrew by ...comeFGG Catch by xannash Puppet March by Goronix Crazy Stuff by the beatles swing by connor hubbard . By kdusman a Long Way challenge 4105700 Is it a candle? By Isisisis Simplicity by jmoore4ska OMB by Anaras Easy by madcowz7 Car Pendulum by MageOfHyrule Awsome! By “hamybal“ (youtube name) or “lord_hambal“ on the FC site ... a cool use of rails dude! Simple by revasquez Unattached by Haruspex (or Murphy) Rollers by thellys Only Water by da vinner Holy Cow by wiimk16 Chaos Theory by WWUDivitt FINALE DESIGN - “Crazy Thing“ Final solution by kdausman Based on a design by nauscopy With contributions from sccook, Hurkyl, doctorjorts, jkhouw1, OceanSpud - This design really rocks! While it is my intent to give credit the correct individual for each design, the listed names may not always have the original inventor. If you know who the inventor is, please email me a personal message and I’ll update this list. Enjoy! ground37
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