SOG VL-01 Vulcan, Cold Steel Recon 1 & ZT 0200 - Battle of the EDC Blades Part 1
This is Part 1 of my EDC Every Day Carry Folding Knives Battle.
I test Three different Blades which all have different steels, lockups, and handle materials to see which design holds up more under extreme use.
Cold Steel Recon 1 w/ XHP Steel:
SOG VL-01 Vulcan:
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Zero Tolerance 0200:
9 years ago 00:03:23 1
SOG VL-01 Vulcan, Cold Steel Recon 1 & ZT 0200 - Battle of the EDC Blades Part 3
9 years ago 00:02:39 4
SOG VL-01 Vulcan, Cold Steel Recon 1 & ZT 0200 - Battle of the EDC Blades Part 2
9 years ago 00:04:21 2
SOG VL-01 Vulcan, Cold Steel Recon 1 & ZT 0200 - Battle of the EDC Blades Part 1