Matt Goodwin here from my Substack at . Nigel Farage recently caused a storm by pointing out some alarming attitudes among British Muslims, especially concerning Hamas, Israel, and their role in British society. In an interview with Trevor Phillips, Farage made some bold claims, and today, I’m diving into the data to see if he was right. Based on a recent survey by JL Partners for the Henry Jackson Society, we see some shocking statistics. Contrary to what some in Westminster and the media might say, the data reveals deep-seated issues: - 40% of British Muslims reject the idea that Hamas committed murder and rape on October 7th. - 46% of British Muslims sympathise with Hamas. - Nearly half believe Israel does not have a right to exist as a Jewish homeland. - 52% support making it illegal to show a picture or cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad. These views highlight significant challenges in British society that need addressing. Join me as we unpack these findings and discuss their implications. For more in-depth analysis, subscribe to my Substack at . #NigelFarage #ReformParty #GeneralElection2024 #MattGoodwin #GeneralElection JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: SUBSTACK: LINKTREE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: LINKEDIN: LATEST BOOK: =sr_1_1?keywords=values voice and virtue&sr=8-1
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