GMO Myth #3 “Foods with GMOs contain fewer nutrients“

Genetic engineering has largely focused on reducing the need for insecticides and herbicides, while boosting farmers’ yields. That sort of modification doesn’t affect the crop’s nutrition. In fact, studies show that genetically modified foods are nutritionally identical to their conventional counterparts. There are a few crops, for example high-oleic soybeans, that have been designed to be nutritionally different and are labeled accordingly. #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #geneticallyModifiedOrganisms #gmos #theProblemWithGmos #theRealProblemWithGmos #nongmoProject #gmoFood #gmoFoodAdvantagesAndDisadvantages #gmoFoodExplained #gmoFoodKurzgesagt #gmoFoodLabels #gmoFoodProcess #gmoFoodTedTalk #theRealProblemWithGmoFood #food #GMO #geneticallyModifiedFood #geneticEngineering #gmoFoods #geneticallyModified #geneticallyModifiedFoodsAndTheirProsAndCons #geneticallyModifiedFoods
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