‘Twas The Night Before Forced Wipe - A Rust Poem

From a snowy cabin in the woods, a tale is told to young and old. Rust Recoil Updated, June 1st 2022 ________________________________________________________________________ Twas the night before forced wipe, and all through the land A community divided by what Facepunch has planned Large boxes were placed by the TC with care, In hopes that pog loot soon would be in there The Zergs were nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of spray patterns danced in their heads; As the solo hides away in his tiny little shack; the scripters, they beg for their money back; For you see a large change is just about here, Depending who you ask, it brings great joy or great fear Gone are the days of 300 meter beams And UKN chads must resort to other means Some even say they plan to just quit But with 5000 hours, they may be full of shit Calling them out will be met with some sass Yet everyone knows they refuse to touch grass But what say the average rust player? Will this update turn them into a slayer? Or perhaps just allow more fun for all Without hundreds of hours spraying a wall So gear fear be damned, its no longer the same, Loot them, craft them, and call them by name: “Now AK!”, “Now M2!”, “Now Tommy and LR!” “On Custom!” “On MP!”, “on Bolty and SAR!” A recoil update is what is in store And learning to shoot is no longer a chore But now there will be no one else to blame, Than just yourself, for your own shit aim So hop in your discords and rally the troops Whether you’re solo or play in large groups A new days upon us, prepare for the fight Happy wipe day to all, and to all a good night!
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