Walter Lindrum (1937)

Billiards player Walter Lindrum performs trick shots. C/U of Walter Lindrum’s face as he plays a shot on the billiard table. M/S of the table as he performs the cushion cannon shot, the cue ball bounces off each cushion a few times then hits another ball into the pocket. M/S as he pots three ball in different holes. M/S aerial shot of three balls, various shots as he hits them repeatedly to move them around. M/S as he hits the ball between two cues to dislodge another which rolls down and hits others at the bottom. M/S as four balls roll down two cues and into the pocket. Various shots showing him hit the cue ball along one edge of a snooker triangle so it curves and travels down the other side to hit a ball at the end. M/S of a spin shot, M/S of bombardment shot the cue ball hits 11 balls away and the last one is potted. Various shots as he performs more tricks ending with the cue ball bouncing off a cue, he catches it and puts it in his pocket. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPL
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