Children’s Hospital (1953)

Children’s Hospital, Nottingham. Various shots of children in a hospital ward preparing themselves for visiting time: girls brush their hair, a boy brushes his teeth, the nurses help wash faces and tidy hair of little ones. M/S ward nurse walking across the room. C/U little girl in bed playing with book. M/S visiting father going to bedside of daughter. M/S older girl in bed, mother comes to bedside. M/S boy in bed, mother at bedside gives him a letter. M/S man at bedside of baby, nurse gives him a surgical mask. M/S nurse takes baby from bed and gives to father, she then gives him feeding bottle and father starts to feed baby. C/U nurse looking at father and smiling. C/U little girl whose parents live too far away to visit: she looks at nurse and smiles. M/S ward nurse walking round switching out lights, pan to ward sister at working at desk in darkened ward. Nurses are Sheila Hill and Sister Roberts. Note: newspaper cuttings and letter from hospital management committee on file. FI
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