Choosing Syllabus For Homeschooling | Best Curriculum For Homeschool

Choosing syllabus for homeschooling | Best curriculum for homeschool In this video i am going to share syllabus for class 1 to 5. Now it should not be a problem that you want to homeschool your kid and from where to get books and who will tell us what to teach when homeschooling our kids. Do watch the video and get the screen shots of book and enjoy homeschooling your kid. class 1 to 5 syllabus Machmillan english 1 language book karwane Urdu 1 Machmillan Mathmatics 1A and 1B Oxford primary science 1 Nicholas Horsburgh Oxford social studies 1 Nicholas Horsburgh Islamiyat Tarbiyati Nisab syllabus for play group to Prep = best english book nursery and prep = best urdu book nursery and prep = ____________________________________________ All work books videos=
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