The Urantaker: Old vinyl (Fan-made inspired by The Caretaker)

RUS Вдохновлённый эстетикой винила и песнями 30-х и 40-х годов прошлого века, а также мистическим и таинственным звучанием альбомов The Caretaker: “An Empty Bliss Beyond This World“ и “Everywhere, an empty bliss“ ENG This project was inspired by vinyl aesthetic of 30-40 years of the last century,also it was inspired by mystical and mysterious sounds of The Caretaker: “An Empty Bliss Beyond This World“ and “Everywhere, an empty bliss“ VK: 00:00 Remind me this motive 01:46 Sun in the foggy clouds 04:04 Going into eternity 06:38 Remember yesterday with you 09:25 This is something beautiful 12:14 Do you believe in a dream?
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