SHAIIKO REACTION TO Zofia NERF! | FUZE Shield Black Ice! - Rainbow Six Siege

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Rainbow Six Siege, I create high-quality videos by combining the funniest and most epic game moments with the best creative editing. I spend hours making these moments fun and wonderful, I want to turn them into something new and original. ALL NEW BUFFs And NERFs *Zofia, Tachanka & Alibi* #RainbowSixSiege Submit your clips to: Cliptojager@ Awesome people featured in the video (Make sure to support them): qumumusic: Shaiiko: mag6: eaglex99: bxnnii LordOfCows wiwac11 PHANTOM_VIP3R Mc_Fostos lOlvera22713 yvcoziiz joel Chan 404 sido...kgakming †ΔKrøss_117 Negano z7flow Rainbow6 Panna jonhyjay Punny lndy 0n1rik Xzoti1c CoolHunter AKACoolest Young Alan21 ggcemPm Graysonzilla wuuwolf uxrth MacAttack001 h0mew0rld Spooky FIR-1394 MAJ_S cxsf Arknium RitmiCtv minimichegga F4TWIN Aldo V wrong_ Gabiewlzz toge
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