Pope Francis Hologram(WWMT West Michigan News)

2:42 repost of a video It could be someone editing footage at news station, but otherwise strange, and I thought it would be worth noting funny amongst other things. This video is the perfect tool to see who’s open minded: ;the dumber ones will yell FAKE and BS while linking the vatican video without another thought. ;the smarter ones will be open minded to BOTH the possibilities of a video edit from Michigan News, AND the possibility of a hologram (which is valid technology) supposedly affected by angle, captured by different camera than vatican news perspective Which may never be proven. This video is perfect to see who’s retarded and close-minded, quick to insult others because of their supposed lack of intelligence, while they themselves - are lacking open-mindedness because they’re 100% certain. And if you dare say something far-fetched you must be the stupid one... yeah right ... your questionning ends - when I d
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