Molodogvardeyskaya, Samara, Russia | Walking streets 4K Молодогвардейская, Самара, Россия | Прогулка
Samara is the largest city in the Middle Volga region, the center of the Volga economic region, the seventh most populous city in Russia. Samara is one of the largest transport, industrial, business, cultural and scientific centers in Russia. The city is located on the bend of the Samarskaya Luka, on the left bank of the Volga, between its tributaries Samara (from the south) and Sok (from the north). The length of Samara along the Volga is 50 km, from west to east - 20 km, the area of the city is 541.4 km².
At present, Samara still retains its status as an industrial, scientific and cultural center of Russia, and is the largest transport hub in the Volga region. Flights to more than 50 destinations are carried out from Kurumoch Airport. The largest river port in the Middle Volga region dispatches cargo to 17 regions of Russia and to 144 ports in various countries of the world. The Kuibyshev railway connects the central regions of the country with eastern and Central Asia. Urban transport
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