Wildberger solves the twin prime conjecture!! | Sociology and Pure Maths | N J Wildberger

Does it really make sense to “go to infinity?“, or to “take the limit of an infinite process?“, or to “calculate an infinite sum?“ Well in this lecture, we depart from our usually rigorous approach to pure mathematics, and accept the standard orthodoxy that we ARE allowed to do all these things, and then show that this leads to an essential collapse in number theory. Almost all the major unsolved problems can more or less straightforwardly be dealt with by simply applying this super power to make the crucial calculations to determine truth values of propositions involving an unbounded number o...f cases. We initiate this exciting new chapter in number theory by solving the Twin Primes Conjecture: not by any sophisticated argument, but just by making a pedestrian computation: at least pedestrian by the current standards of modern analysis and number theory, which have no qualms in “computing cos(7) or zeta(5)“ or a host of other “transcendental function values.&
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