Post-Patch T100 Dungeon Rogue - Diablo 4

4:44 FRESH MEAT So, patch was harsh, T100 became super difficult. Siphoning Strikes was the biggest hit to us directly. Will upload a video talking about patch notes tomorrow, there is also “hidden“ stuff they didn’t mention. I died after the use of a conduit shrine for example, elites appear as 4, not as 3 anymore etc. On a sidenote, I feel super bad for other classes, especially Mages And Barbs. Poison Damage is still superior, everyone lost tons of armor and DR, so for this run I used 3 points in Dark Shroud. WIll optimize the coming days and run the new dungeons, found 7 keys already. ...Cya! #2 (didnt update yet, will do so tomorrow) #diablo4 #patch #rogue #nightmare #t100 #twistingblades #poison
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