Ultimate GRAPH Editor Tutorial in After Effects | AMV Tutorial
In this video you will learn how the GRAPH EDITOR works in After Effects and how to use it for your AMV / Anime Edits
Were you always confused about the graph editor in after effects and did not know how to use it properly? Then this tutorial got you completely covered! I will explain everything about the graph editor as easy for you as possible. Now you can up your editing level for your AMV and Anime edit 😈.
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Discord server:
00:00 - Intro
00:27 - Value VS Speed Graph
01:28 - The Graph Editor Explained (Value & Speed)
05:38 - Twixtor/Time Remap Graphs
07:42 - Transition Graphs (Zooms & Slides)
10:39 - 3D Camera Graphs
I make tutorials ALMOST EVERY WEEK! So make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for future tutorials and EDITS.
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