I do neither own the anime nor the song!
- The song is named Lullaby, by Nickelback.
- While the anime is Sankarea: Undying Love, and is owned by Hattori Misuru.
This is the first time I ever put together an AMV! :D I’m really proud even if there’s some mistakes and issues. ^-^
- Please don’t ruin my happy and proud moment with mean comments :c That’s not niice :’C
I made it with Windows Movie Maker, cause I can’t afford better x_x’
Rea, Why are you so much better at lip syncing than Furuya-kun? D:
7 months ago 00:03:17 1
✧AMV✧Я не шахерезада
8 months ago 00:02:01 1
Аниме клип - Ну что ты такой серьёзный (AMV) ApSent 😈 (♫) ᴴᴰ
11 months ago 00:02:23 1
Аниме клип - С улыбкой смотрел, как рушится мир (AMV) 😈 (♫) ᴴᴰ
1 year ago 00:00:29 1
human face mask +levi ☆*
1 year ago 00:03:40 1
Аниме клип (AMV) - Одиночество (совместно с Lina Miracle)