“Bags are Packed!“ by No Lithium (Official Audio Track)

The band name, No Lithium, was created when one of our vocalists (Natalie) had a strong desire to sing about the element Lithium. Unfortunately for Natalie and fortunately for the rest of the band, this was quickly vetoed. After members of the band damaged each other’s ear drums, they decided to move forward writing a song about gaining confidence to stand up to those who oppose you. No Lithium also created a pulchritudinous, groovy song about vibing on the dance floor. Overall, this band would describe themselves as chaotic, dysfunctional, and loud. Even though they define themselves this way, they truly are a band that put in the hard work to create two catchy songs. Ben - Keys - Age 14 Anika - Voice - Age 12 Liberty - Voice - Age 12 Paul - Drums - Age 10 Natalie - Voice - Age 12
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