Cougrzz Rock-Spiderwebs (No Doubt/Cover)

Bio By She Rox All Female Bands: Corona,California is home to the Cougrzz, known now as Pulp Vixen, have been winning over fans for over six years with their talent and versatility as a band. Far more then your average cover band, these seasoned, classically trained women are able to adapt to any genres of music, from Top 40, to Blues, to Hard Rock, founded by Drummer and Vocalist, Chrissy Marquez, who also serves as the bands manager, this classically trained pianist is a powerhouse drummer with the skills to sing lead vocals as well, not an easy task even for the most prolific percussionist. Fronted by lead vocalist, Grace Richardson who’s sweet voiced vocals, has opened for such major acts as Hank Williams Jr, and BB King to name a few, and. could easily be the 21st century’s answer to the next Susanna Hoffs, sex kitten front person, this siren can conform her vocals from sweet to a growl as easy as changing a key in a song, The Courgrzz lead guitar,left handed virtuoso, Roseann Aldrete, is a true shredder
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