Anglerfish【初音ミク / Hatsune Miku V4 English】【VOCALOID Original】

music/lyrics: usadaP art: @tinstarbby (twt) support me by listening to my album on spotify! // I am ashamed it took me so long to post the lyric video for this song, which has been out with the Recovery Ward album for 3 months now (´;ω;`) I had Stuff happening in my personal life that put me in a bit of a slump, but I hope to go back to semi-regular uploads now! This is a song about a little deep-sea fish who is curious about a submarine she sees every now and then. I hope you’ll enjoy it! Lyrics: I live under the sea Life, it floats around me Here surrounded by blue I only think about you ... Were you here, or was I asleep? Are you real, or was it a dream? As I float through the darkness and I look around I stay on alert for the familiar sound Of the bubbles that carried you into the deep If you ever come back, I’ll see you in my sleep I don’t remember you Where did you go off to?
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