Tylangir - Ur-Chraft (Full Album)

01. 00:00. Äs Liäd, Wa In Iisch Allu Singt… 02. 01:34. Ur-Chraft 03. 06:52. D’ Hibsch Mailändäri 04. 12:57. Wassär Frisst Land 05. 20:27. D’ Schüdärhaft Stimm 06. 24:09. Quatämbärchind 07. 29:56. Där Sippuschgattär 08. 35:01. Zum Heidnisch Biel 09. 42:02. Äs Ghoornuts, Schüdärhafts Tiär… 10. 42:51. Där Rollibock 11. 49:24. Tylangir 12. 53:48. D’ Alt Schmidja The Folk Metal Band Tylangir from the Swiss region of Valais stands for folksy melodies accompanied by intense guitar riffs. The songs range from acoustic dominated to Heavy and fast Metal. The Valais is a region dominated by high mountains and valleys which has mostly been separated from the rest of the world throughout history. This has lead to a rich culture of Pagan Legends and conservation of an old dialect of Swiss German. The lyrics written in this dialect deal mainly with the central figures and the
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