REFX Vanguard 2 - The New Factory Presets (no talking)

In REFX Vanguard 2, there are 136 brand new presets. Have a listen to whats new, and hopefully you can decide if you would like to purchase this VST. I bought it, and i have to say that i am very happy with it so far! The sounds are very customizable, and the only limitation is your fantasy. REFX has released an updated version of Vanguard for Black Week / Black Friday 2022. Vanguard 2 features several upgrades compared to the original VST released in the early 2000’s and retired in 2016. In the video i will go through some of the upgrades available as well as a short recap of the history of... the first Vanguard. REFX is the company behing known plugins such as : Nexus (Nexus, Nexus 2, Nexus 3 and Nexus 4 - Nexus 4.5) and Vanguard.
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