太祖古長拳108勢 - 第一排13勢 長拳及陳式

原出宋太祖所傳,是古傳之法,全套共分九排(即九段),亦載於陳氏太極拳的廉讓堂拳譜及山西洪洞通背拳的古譜。The Long Fist of Gu Taizu, originally passed down by Emperor Song Taizu, is an ancient martial art form. It consists of a complete set divided into nine sections or stages. It is also documented in the Lian Rang Tang Quan Pu of Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan and the ancient manual of Hongdong Tongbei Quan from Shanxi. 華藝精武 - 李俊森師父, 黃志恆教練, 穎廷師兄 ------------------------------------------ 更多影片連結: 追本溯
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