Old-tyme football match (1946)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Annual humorous foot-the-ball game at Cambridge Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Football - As in the Days Gone By ENGLAND: Cambridge: Cambridgeshire: EXT FOOTBALL Foot-the-Ball at Cambridge. Old-tyme football. Football in top-hats and frock coats FOOT THE BALL Annual rag at Cambridge. Players dressed in top hats, frock coats and wigs etc won by Cambridge 6-4. sports, athletes, band, instruments, costumes, top hats, Gentlemen of Cambridge, Sportsmen of Oxford, soccer, old-time, old-fashioned Background: Annual humorou...s foot-the-ball game at Cambridge FILM ID: VLVA5ZVIZLGP7XAX3AZZ31XJU7BT4 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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