Hozan Yamamoto and Yu Imai - The Devil Comes and Blows the Whistle - 1978
山本邦山 - 今井裕 – 悪魔が来りて笛を吹く
Soundtrack for a film adaptation of a series of detective novels, featuring Yu Imai on vocals and music written by both Hozan Yamamoto and Yu Imai, a little lighter on the shakuhachi than other Hozan Yamamoto works. A nice blend of orchestral jazz funk.
00:00 - 03:35 01 笛鳴りぬ
03:35 - 10:09 02 火焔太鼓
10:09 - 14:07 03 椿子爵の遺言
14:07 - 18:43 04 天銀堂事件
18:43 - 22:05 05 金田一耕助西へ行く
22:05 - 26:12 06 黄金のフルート
26:12 - 29:56 07 指
29:56 - 33:37 08 A=X B=X ∴A=B
33:37 - 38:06 09 血と砂
38:06 - 42:54 10 旅ゆく者よ
42:54 - 44:32 11 悪魔
6 months ago 00:08:28 1
Sitar and Shakuhachi Improvisation
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