This Tailwind UI Component Library Really Surprised Me!
Nuxt has a really awesome UI library callled Nuxt UI! In this video I look over the features and create a full stack app with is, backed by AWS Amplify libraries with Gen2!
👉 Check out my last video on Prime Tailwind Vue
👉Full Stack app using AWS Amplify Gen 2!
👉Create a Github login with AWS Amplify Gen 2 with CDK!
Want to learn more about Nuxt UI! Check it out!
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👉 Need some help with a project, level up your skills, React, Next, Vue, or Nuxt? Check out my 1-on-1 mentoring!
0:00 What we are building today and learning
0:50 Setting up Nuxt UI Tailwind
03:24 Adding a UButton
06:45 Adding global changes
09:20 Adding AWS Amplify Gen 2
12:53 Adding in Nuxt Amplify Plugin
16:47 Code generating GraphQL queries, mutations, subscriptions
19:37 Putting together the Todo App with Nuxt UI
24:55 Testing out the final app
5 months ago 01:12:47 7
🤯 I MIGRATED a application to in 1 HOUR
5 months ago 01:17:07 2
Learn Tailwind CSS: Build a Responsive Product Card