Биотоп Astatheros robertsoni. Сенот Escondido. Юкатан. Мексика
A pair of Astatheros robertsoni defending fry in Cenote Escondido, located just south of Tulum, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. This was in very shallow water, the Cenote was flooded due to all the rain, the main body was very murky, only 1-2m visibility. This is quite a rare sight, I have visited the Cenote 3 times in the last 3 years and I have only seen robertsoni with fry once!
Astatheros robertsoni
Paratheraps melanurus
Astyanax sp.
2 years ago 00:01:56 1
Видео от АкваДом 57
11 years ago 00:02:02 193
Биотоп Astatheros robertsoni. Сенот Escondido. Юкатан. Мексика