Allerseelen: Staubdämonen. Demons of Dust.

Allerseelen: Staubdämonen. Demons of Dust. Video: Stefano Bertoli Artwork: Gerhard Hallstatt / Stefano Bertoli Stefano Bertoli: Emu Proteus 2500, Taiko Marcel P.: Bass Gerhard Hallstatt: Tonkunst, vocals Lyrics: Gerhard Hallstatt The Allerseelen song Staubdämonen / Demons of Dust deals with the death of Edith and Egon Schiele at the end of October 1918 from the Spanish flu. But in the lyrics of this song both survive the dangerous disease as they are rescued from the feverish planet earth by a zeppelin - its pilot: Gerhard Hallstatt. (Lyrics below.) The title of the song is also inspired by the essay of Ernst Jünger on the Austrian artist Alfred Kubin. The song will be published on one of the forthcoming CD or C90 releases. “... wer atmet hier so schwer / holt so tief Luft / und es ist doch nicht genug / die Atemnot ...“ (Gerhard Hallstatt) Stefano Bertoli:
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