10 Minutes of Aliens Fireteam Elite Co-op Gameplay
We recently got hands-on time with a preview build of Aliens: Fireteam Elite. You’re watching a three-player co-op from the first mission of the second campaign.
Aliens: Fireteam Elite is a new co-op action shooter set within the legendary Alien franchise. As a loose sequel to the 1986 film, this game sees colonial marines face off against xenomorphs and other hostile foes that pull on deep threads of Alien lore. We recently got some hands-on time with the game, playing through the first half of the game’s campaign, and we saw just harrowing encounters can get when running and gunning through space stations and ancient tombs filled with xenomorphs and hostile synthetic soldiers.
In this new gameplay video, we play through the first mission of chapter 2, taking place on a planet that was once under control by the ancient Engineers--the mysterious alien race from the 2012 film Prometheus. Our squad of marines not only came face to face against xenomorphs but also saw some of the more surprising story turns in
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